Tag: Bora

European Name For The Mk. 4 Volkswagen Jetta

Mk. 4 Volkswagen Jetta Trunk Swap – Part 2

Hey everyone, the 2002 Volkswagen Jetta TDI project continues (also known as the Volkswagen Bora for our viewers outside of North America), we now continue with the installation of the new trunk lid. For the most part this process is pretty straightforward, essentially following the trunk disassembly procedure but in reverse. There are still however, a couple points that should...

Mk. 4 Volkswagen Jetta TDI Brake Servicing – Part 1

Hey guys, we would like to take a moment and highlight the key points and important things to remember when beginning to tackle brake servicing on a Mk4(1999-2005) Volkswagen Jetta. The front brakes are very similar to most other car manufacturers, an important point to remember is to make sure the internal hex slide bolts are completely cleaned of rust...